A Quick Legislative Update

Elizabeth Althoff

MO Capitol

We are entering into the final few weeks of session, as we continue to watch several bills that could impact LAGERS.  Back in January, I wrote about three bills in particular: House Bill 1329, House Bill 2044, and Senate Bill 628.  All three of these bills contain language that would allow for Metro Planning Organizations and Soil and Water Conservation Districts to seek membership in the LAGERS system.   

Over the past few weeks, both of the House bills have morphed into omnibus pension bills, each containing the LAGERS enabling language as well as other provisions unrelated to LAGERS that would impact other public retirement systems across the state.  Another omnibus bill, Senate Bill 1021 has also emerged containing LAGERS language.

Testimony on these bills has been fairly uneventful in committee with LAGERS language receiving a wide consensus of support.  Both House bills are now on the calendar for third reading in the Senate, meaning that both are very close to the finish line.  Because each bill has been amended in the Senate, they would have to return back to the House for final approval before heading to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.

As we head down the homestretch, make sure you are on our mailing list to receive any updates or calls to action.   The last several weeks of session are typically a fast-moving time as everyone is attempting to get their bills passed.  We will continue to closely monitor all pension issues during this time and send any special updates as needed!

Dates of Note

May 2018

11 – Appropriations Bills Must Be “Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed”

18 – Session Ends – 6:00 p.m.

July 2018

14 – Deadline for Governor to Sign or Veto Legislation        

August 2018

28 – Effective Date of Most Bills (unless otherwise specified)