Retirement – Big Plans & Big Dreams

Angela Lechtenberg, APR

Recently we held our first Facebook giveaway. Did you see it? During National Retirement Security week (which also happened to be the week of our Annual Meeting) we held a T-shirt giveaway. We wanted to hear your retirement plans, and boy, did you have a lot to say! Here are some excerpts from the contest comments on what LAGERS members plan to do in retirement. There are some great ideas in here in case you’re still trying to figure out what your retirement dream will be!

Win a LAGERS Shirt!

“Retired last Feb., chipping away at a 40 yr to-do list, summer at the lake with kids gr’kids and friends. Fall is travel time. Grateful for LAGERS!” – Jane

“I’m still quite a ways from retirement but when that time comes I would hope that my husband and I will still have good health to enjoy spending time with family and do some traveling to wonderful places in this world.” – Estrella

“Starting a hobby farm and attempt to be self sustaining for my extended family” – Nichole

“To open a bed and breakfast. We just bought the historical house!!!!!” – Mary

“Already spending extra time with grandkids thanks to LAGERS!” – Kay

“Read all the comments. They have given me lots of good ideas. Interesting how so many yearn for basically the same thing. Love, togetherness, a sense of purpose. Some excitement. Something new and different. Yet, something comfortable. Guess I am human too. It’s difficult for me to narrow it down. To say one thing, or even two. Overall, guess would be to make a bucket list and to fulfill everything on it. In the present, would LOVE to ride a horse again. May all your dreams come true!” – Terri

“Build a log home/cabin on the family farm. Spend my spring/summer fishing at LOZ, fall/winter hunting at the farm. Teaching these things to whatever grandkids I am blessed with. Now I just have to convince my sweetheart.” – James

T-Shirt winners

“Buy an RV and start the adventure of enjoying the fabulous people and wonderful parks, sights and scenery in our own United States.” – Shelli

Many of the answers included the same themes – travel, spending time with loved ones, volunteering and becoming a snowbird in a warm climate somewhere. To see more great responses head over to our Facebook page, and be sure to follow us while you’re there so you don’t miss the next giveaway!