I Wish I Could Bottle Up the Holidays

Bob Wilson, CEBS


This time of year is sometimes a mess. It’s dark when we go to work and dark when we head home, the weather is cold, dreary and unstable. And the kids secretly plot against us and take turns being sick (I swear they do). We’re all especially busy and should be at our wits end.

But we aren’t.

To me, this time of year always seems different. My most enjoyable part of the holiday season is the almost random consideration that seems to overcome most of us. At this time of year we as a society seem, for whatever reason, to look beyond the surface of our fellow man and actually see the commonality of goodness we share. Whether at the gas station, store, at work or even passing each other on the street; we look at each other differently. We don’t look past each other as we scurry on our busy paths. We actually look into each other’s eyes – past that outward shell and actually SEE each other; maybe even say “hello”.  Have you noticed? So simple, yet so wonderful.

Whether a kind word, a thank you, a smile or even a simple nod of the head – signaling we appreciate the smallest of gestures. Even though we should be more stressed, we’re actually all a little more happy than normal during the holidays. Really. If you haven’t, noticed I urge you to keep an eye out on the way home from work tomorrow. You may experience the kind of subtle kindness that I’m talking about. It is so refreshing.

If I could bottle the holidays I surely would. If we could somehow carry that over to the rest of the year what great things we could accomplish. That’s my thought for the New Year.

From all of us at LAGERS, we thank you for the honor to serve you and we wish you the very best this time of year, and all year round!

Robert Wilson, Asst. Director Robert Wilson, Asst. Director