Dedicated LAGERS Members – Thank You!

Jeff Pabst, CRC


The closer we get to Thanksgiving it seems that everyone on social media is posting their appreciation for certain people, things, or life circumstances. I am going to go ahead and jump on the same bandwagon and discuss how I am thankful for LAGERS members.

Have you ever thought about how the streets in your community were built or how the neighborhood park came to be? I would say there is a good chance that a LAGERS member may have had a hand in those accomplishments or that member may have been you 🙂

LAGERS membership is truly a diverse group of people. There are some members who are just starting their career in public service and others that have been with their employer for decades. We have people who pick trash, pave streets, process utility payments, fight fires, keep our streets safe, and much more. Collectively, the LAGERS membership is working daily to make our communities cleaner, safer, and just plain better places to live.

Just in case you need some proof about LAGERS members’ dedication to and love of their communities, here are few quotes from LAGERS membership:

Deborah Baker, Pulaski Health Department – “Everybody should be able to give back to our community and I get to do that every day…sometimes you just go the extra mile behind the scenes for your community because you just take your job to heart.”

Karen Bailey, City of Sikeston -“We make a difference in the lives of 20,000 people every day! We make the community safer. We make the community cleaner. It’s nice to work where you can make that kind of impact every day!

If you are a LAGERS member or retiree, give yourself a pat on the back for a great job in helping your community. Myself, I would like to thank all of the LAGERS members and retirees for continually amazing me with your commitment to making our communities great.

Jeff Pabst, CRC Public Relations Specialist Jeff Pabst, CRC, Public Relations Specialist