Your System. Your Voice. Your Future.
The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held at Margaritaville Lake Resort in Lake Ozark, MO on October 24th – 25th.
2021 AM

What is LAGERS Annual Meeting?

The purpose of LAGERS Annual Meeting is the election of LAGERS’ Board of Trustees.  As an active member or governing body member, this is your opportunity to have your voice heard by participating in LAGERS Board of Trustee elections. Voting delegates have the opportunity to hear about the role of the LAGERS board, meet and get to know those who are seeking nominations and election to the LAGERS board and submit your vote for a nominee.

Tentative 2024 Agenda:

Thursday, October 24, 2024
12:00 p.m. – Pre-Conference Educational Session
2:00 p.m. – System Updates & Board Elections
3:50 p.m. – Local Government Hero Award
5:00 p.m. – Local Government Hero Reception

Friday, October 25, 2024
7:30 a.m. – Breakfast
8:30 a.m. – Educational Breakout Sessions
11:30 a.m. – Adjournment

Finalized agenda will be available in the 1st week of August.


Who Should Attend?

Each LAGERS’ subdivision may send two voting delegates to the LAGERS Annual Meeting and as many non-voting delegates as desired.

  • Voting Member Delegate: This delegate must be an active LAGERS member and elected by the active membership at the subdivision. The election must allow all active members of the subdivision to participate via secret ballot. It is important to have your election completed prior to registering for the Annual Meeting. A subdivision may only have 1 Member Delegate
  • Voting Employer Delegate: This delegate should be an member of a governing body from a LAGERS subdivision. The delegate is appointed by the governing body and votes in its capacity. This appointment may be made during a regular scheduled governing body meeting in advance of completing registration. The subdivision may only have 1 employer delegate. In the event a governing body member is unable to attend, the governing body may appoint a staff person to attend to vote on their behalf. 
  • Non-Voting Attendees. This attendee should be anyone from a LAGERS subdivision interested in learning more about the LAGERS system, hear system updates from LAGERS leadership and interact with LAGERS Board of Trustees and staff. An employer can send as many non-voting attendees as they wish.

LAGERS Local Government Hero Award

We celebrate the nominees, finalists, and winner of the Local Government Hero Award at the LAGERS Annual Meeting. This year’s award ceremony will be on Friday morning.

Every day,  local government workers serve tirelessly to make our communities great places to live.  They keep our lights on, parks clean, streets safe, neighbors healthy, cities vibrant, and so much more.  Missouri LAGERS knows that while these men and women don’t wear capes, they are the true heroes among us.


The Member Delegate must be an active member elected by the active membership at a subdivision. Here’s an example of how to complete the election:

  1. Active member(s) at a subdivision voice interest in being member delegate for LAGERS Annual Meeting.
  2. By secret ballot, all active members of the subdivision have the opportunity to vote for those interested in attending being the member delegate. A simple majority wins. Click here for sample ballot.
  3. Employer registers and certifies member delegate
    • This is typically a member of the administration. However, the certifying city official cannot also be the member delegate


The Employer Delegate should be an appointed member of a subdivision’s governing body. Here’s an example of how to complete the appointment.

  1. The subdivision’s administration notifies the governing body about LAGERS upcoming annual meeting and the need for a voting employer delegate.
  2. The governing body officially appoints an employer delegate. Click here for sample appointment form.
    • If no governing body member is available to attend LAGERS annual meeting, a staff representative may attend and vote in their absence. However, it is preferred a governing body member attend.
  3. The employer registers and certifies delegate


A LAGERS subdivision may send as many non-voting attendees as they wish. There is no appointment process or voting necessary. To ensure delegates for board elections, a subdivision should ensure they have both an employer delegate and member delegate before registering a non-voting attendee.

Registration Information

Registration will be available in early August.

2024 Annual Meeting Hotel Accommodations

Margaritaville Lake Resource
494 Tan Tar A Drive
Osage Beach, MO 65065

Room Block will be available in early August.