2018 Legislative Outlook

Elizabeth Althoff

Missouri Capitol

With the first couple week of the 2018 Regular Legislative Session under our belt, lawmakers already seem to be settling into a routine in the Capitol halls. So far, it has been a relatively quiet start to session as many carryover bills were quickly referred to committees, and committees are already beginning to hold hearings.

The Governor delivered his State of the State address last Wednesday, where he outlined his policy goals for the year. Of particular note, he renewed his commitment to public safety and the families of public safety officers, and we expect to see some legislation around this issue, in particular on public safety benefits.

We are already tracking a wide variety of legislation.  One issue of particular interest to the system is LAGERS-enabling language.  We have already seen several bills filed from groups wishing to seek LAGERS membership. These group do not currently qualify under law for LAGERS, but function like local government units, and desire to have LAGERS as a retirement option.  Other groups in the past, such as Regional Planning Commissions have successfully sought similar language.

HB 1354 – Soil and Water Conservation Districts

SB 628 – Soil and Water Conservation Districts

HB 2044 – Metro Planning Organizations

Looking forward, we continue to wait and see how things are going to shake out for the year; how new leadership with settle into their roles, if the House and Senate can work productively together, and what other legislative issues will arise. LAGERS does not plan at this time to file any legislation this session, but continues to watch all pension issues in the building.  Staff continues to be proactive with our legislators throughout session and the entire year, and strives to be a resource for all state and local policy makers.  Stay tuned as session unfolds for more updates and call to action!

2018 Dates of Interest

March 2018

1 – Last Day to Introduce Senate Bills

1 – Last Day to Introduce House Bills

15 – Spring Break Begins Upon Adjournment

 26 – Session Reconvenes 

April 2018

2 – Easter Holiday – No Session

May 2018

11 – Appropriations Bills Must Be “Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed”
18 – Session Ends – 6:00 p.m.

July 2018

14 – Deadline for Governor to Sign or Veto Legislation         

August 2018

28 – Effective Date of Most Bills (unless otherwise specified)