2018 National Boss’s Day

Penny Thomas

Bob and Brian front

Boss’s Day was October 16th, and I must confess, in the past I looked forward to this day as much as I looked forward to going to the dentist. Not necessarily a day I celebrate. However, that has changed. I am excited and happy to say even though Boss’s Day was officially the 16th, we are celebrating today, the 18th at LAGERS. We had our annual office chili cook-off and celebration of our bosses today.  I’ve definitely canceled my dentist appointment; I want to celebrate now.

I started working for LAGERS in August of 2017. I was just getting to know my new bosses by the time Boss’s Day rolled around last year. At that time, I didn’t quite realize just how special they are compared to other bosses. I used to look at the boss as an “untouchable,” one who has the great big office with a view and prime parking space. When you see the boss, you immediately tense up, thinking you’re about to be judged. But, of course, that doesn’t happen very often. In fact, months could go by without laying eyes on the mythical creature known as the boss. You just have to assume the boss exists, but doesn’t like to be recorded interacting with the humans. Boy, has my thinking changed! The bosses at LAGERS opened my eyes to what a GOOD boss should be. They’re mythical too, but not like Sasquatch . . . more like Odysseus. They are inspiring; they bring their troops together, and they always lead by example.

I would never hesitate to sit down with my “Odysseus” bosses and have a conversation about any topic. My neck and shoulders never experience that twinge of judgement.

Bob and Brian back

I came across this infographic, and it struck a chord with me. THIS is what the LAGERS’ bosses are all about, and what is more, this is how they feel about LAGERS as a whole, including ALL members and retirees.


So, here’s to Bob Wilson and Brian Collett: Happy Boss’s Day! And thanks for making me feel like an outcast:

After working with a boss like you, I have started feeling a little left out when I am with my friends. Every time they say bad things about their bosses, I really have nothing to say. Thanks for making me feel like an outcast.