A Word from Bob – Out Spreading LAGERS’ Message

Bob Wilson, CEBS


I was recently invited to the National Association of Police Organizations annual conference to speak regarding Communicating the Value of Public Service and also participate in a panel discussing Plan Funding and Design. The conference focus was best practices in attracting and retaining the best possible public servants and re-instilling value, pride and commitment to community service. It was truly an honor to be part of a group so dedicated to making a difference and proactively moving our communities forward. The caring of so many across the country was humbling and inspiring.


This is exactly the kind of message LAGERS wants to advance. The value public service brings to our communities is extensive, and benefits everyone, usually during times they least expect and during situations they hoped they’d never have to experience.

Thanks to everyone involved with this conference for having me and for helping to promote this conversation that is so dear to all of us at LAGERS. We say around the office that one of our favorite things about what we do is that we serve those who serve others. And to all of you that fit this description, we want to extend our gratitude.