December Article Roundup

Elizabeth Althoff


Trying to figure out if, how, and when Social Security benefits fit into my retirement plan makes my head spin. For me, I tend to err on the side of caution when planning for retirement and assume it won’t be there at all when I’m ready to retire in another 25 years. This article is part of a great 30 day series dispelling some of the common misconceptions about Social Security benefits. While there are several articles in this series that are worth a read, this one in particular tells us 20 and 30 somethings a more realistic way to include Social Security in your retirement plan without overestimating what you most likely will actually receive in benefits.

Read: Dispelling Social Security fears and myths

As we gather with our loved ones this time of year, here is something that you can add to your list of things to talk about. Studies show that financial decision-making peaks around age 53 and gradually begins to decline thereafter meaning that many retirees may eventually need help managing their finances. The solution? Get your family involved in your financial plan now. Suzanne Schmitt, VP of Family Engagement with Fidelity Investments says, “by engaging in conversations now and having a strong support system in place, families can help loved ones gracefully transition into that next phase of their lives.”

Ready to get talking? Read: Family Should Be Included in Retirement Planning

Even though your LAGERS benefit is a great base for building your retirement security, you most likely still need to be saving on your own to help ensure you can live out your retirement comfortably. If you are ready to start saving more for retirement in 2017, here are three super easy ways to get started.

Read: 3 tips for saving more for retirement in 2017

While I’m not typically an avid Dear Abby reader, this particular entry struck a chord with me. I hear very similar comments from our members all the time about couples not seeing eye to eye on their retirement plans. In this particular case, I think Abby has some great advice. My advice to all couples: remember that retirement planning should be about more than just money: make sure you are talking to each other about your expectations for retirement well in advance of actually retiring…it could help avoid major conflict down the road.

Read: Dear Abby: Wife resists husband’s retirement move  

Even this old dog gets to retire. My last article this month is just for fun, but it made me smile, and I’m sure it will make you smile too! Not all public servants are humans, but even our K9 counter parts work hard and eventually need to retire. Congratulations on your retirement Inga!

Read: Inga the sheriff’s bloodhound follows her nose into retirement