From Our Members: When Will My LAGERS Benefit Run Out?

Penny Thomas

from our members pic

Just last week I was asked, “When will my LAGERS Benefit Run Out?” I am so excited to write about this answer now, during National Retirement Security Week!

I wanted to joyously shout back, “NEVER in your lifetime!” This is, by far, my most favorite thing to tell members and retirees. LAGERS is a defined benefit plan, and is calculated NOT as an account balance, but as a formula, the retiree will receive a secure monthly benefit for life. There is no outliving the benefit!

Many retirement accounts, like 401(k)’s are considered defined contribution accounts and are based on an account balance. You add to this account balance throughout your working years, and then begin using it in retirement. If you live long enough in retirement, there may be a chance you could use it to a $0.00 balance. This is not the case with a LAGERS benefit.

This is the formula we use to determine how much you will receive each month in retirement:

Benefit Multiplier


How Much You Make


How Long You Work


Monthly Lifetime Benefit

And again, this monthly benefit is for life. Have I already said that? Here. Let me say it again: your LAGERS monthly benefit is FOR LIFE. If that doesn’t give you a secure feeling about retiring, I’m not sure what would.

In addition, to keep your purchasing power strong, LAGERS provides cost of living adjustments. Again, another reason to feel secure. To learn more about your lifetime monthly benefit and the cost of living adjustments, visit us at

Happy National Retirement Security Week!