Jeff Kempker, CEBS, CRC

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I recently attended a meeting of pension advocates from across the country where I had the privilege of presenting on communicating the value of public service. The big takeaway from this meeting: there are still people out there fighting for pensions.

The people I met are passionate about the necessity of pension plans and strongly believe – as I do – that pensions are the most efficient way to promote retirement security for all people. I was refreshed and energized to be surrounded by so many like-minded people and incredibly pleased to find that there are others who are willing to stand up for this very worthy cause.

As wonderful as it is to know there are other willing participants, we need more warriors in this fight. There is a well-funded machine operating in state capitals across the country that want to eliminate pensions in favor of unreliable 401(k) plans. We are going to need more people on the front lines if we are to turn the tides in this battle.

If you want to help, I would encourage you to sign up for LAGERS’ e-mail list so you keep up-to-date on what’s going on in Missouri in regards to pensions. Also, check out what the National Public Pension Coalition is doing to help in this struggle.

This is a worthy cause, one in which we can prevail with the right approach and increased number of people willing to speak up.




Jeff Kempker, CEBS, CRC

Assistant Executive Director, Member Services