You Should Attend This Meeting

Jeff Pabst, CRC

Bob speaking at Annual MeetingEvery year, around this time, I’m always amazed by how quickly time has flown. This year, of course, was no different. In fact, it seems like time is going faster each and every year. Now that the kids are back in school, playoff baseball and football are quickly approaching, its that time of year where we begin ramping up for the LAGERS Annual Meeting.

As you may already know, this year’s Annual Meeting is being held at the Sheraton Chalet Hotel in Maryland Heights and registration opened a couple weeks ago. Again this year, attendance to the Annual Meeting is FREE!

Click here for more information.

The Annual Meeting gives you the ability to play an active role in the future direction of your retirement system by participating in the board elections. You can participate as either the employer or member delegate for your employer. The employer delegate is either a member of your governing body or a staff person appointed to vote in the employer trustee election in the governing body’s capacity. A member delegate is an active member at one of our employers who is elected by the employees of your political subdivision to vote in the member trustee election. An employer can send only one employer delegate and one member delegate.

LAGERS Representatives at 2017 Annual Meeting The LAGERS Annual Meeting is a great way to connect with LAGERS board and staff, learn more about your LAGERS pension plan, network with colleagues from across the state and much more. So, if you would like to attend, but don’t want to participate in the board election, you can attend as a non-voting attendee. An employer can send as many non-voting attendees as they wish.

So, if you want to learn more about the future of your retirement system and meet some pretty awesome people, you should attend this Annual Meeting and many more in the future.