2024 Session Concludes with No Direct Impact to LAGERS

2024 Session Concludes with No Direct Impact to LAGERS

The 2024 Regular Legislative Session concluded on May 17 with little fanfare, as the legislature capped off the year by Truly Agreeing and Finally Passing twenty-nine bills (excluding budget bills) out of over 2,600 bills filed. The session marks one of the least productive years in recent history, primarily due to infighting between majority party factions.

LAGERS had a single legislative priority during the session in House Bill 2431 and Senate Bill 898, which sought to modernize LAGERS board composition and election practices. Of note, the legislation would have added a retiree trustee to the board. Although SB 898 was passed by both the House and Senate, changes made in the House required that the bill return to the Senate for a final vote in the waning days of the session. Following a multi-day filibuster over initiative petition reform, the upper chamber effectively shut down before SB 898 was Truly Agreed. Although both vehicles fell just short of the finish line during this session, the language received wide bipartisan support in both chambers, and LAGERS plans to refile the legislation in the future.

No other legislation was passed this year that had a direct impact on LAGERS.

As always, we are grateful for all our members who tracked this year’s legislation, wrote letters of support, or visited the state capitol to advocate for your retirement system!