This is the second year for LAGERS’ annual Local Government Hero Award and the three finalists embody the very best in public service. Local government services directly touch our lives every day. Every time we flip a light switch, turn on a faucet, drive on a city street, and use…...

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Expanded Employee Contribution Elections Now Available Under Missouri Law

August 28, 2020, For Immediate Relase Jefferson City, MO  –  Effective August 28, 2020, LAGERS employers have two new options for the employee contribution election.  Historically, an employer could elect to be either Contributory – meaning all eligible employee contributed 4% of their gross wages to help fund their future…...

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LAGERS Board Report

The LAGERS Board of Trustees has a fiduciary duty to you and all members of LAGERS to ensure your retirement system is administered in a fiscally sound manner. We are committed to delivering peace of mind, so that you know your financial future is well in hand. The LAGERS board meets…...

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July 14, 2020, For Immediate Release Jefferson City, MO – Governor Parson has signed LAGERS’ employee contribution expansion bill, meaning that LAGERS employers will soon have more flexibility with their local benefit elections. House bill 1467, which the Governor signed on July 13, will extend the options for the employee…...

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LAGERS Earns Award for Financial Reporting for 42nd Consecutive Year

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System for its comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. This is the 42nd consecutive…...

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LAGERS Response to COVID-19

LAGERS has been monitoring the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in an effort to ensure we are proactively protecting the health and safety of our members and staff, and to ensure that our normal business operations and services to our members and retirees continue uninterrupted....

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LAGERS’ Expansion of Employee Contribution Bill Passed the General Assembly

With one week left in the second session of the 100th General Assembly, LAGERS’ Expansion of Employee Contribution Bill, House Bill 1467, has been truly agreed and finally passed. House Bill 1467 will enhance the options available for employer election under the employee contribution option.  Currently under law, an employer…...

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LAGERS Legislative Day 2020 Canceled

LAGERS has been monitoring the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in an effort to ensure we are proactively protecting the health and safety of our members, staff, and all we come in contact with. On Tuesday, lawmakers issued a request urging all advocacy groups to avoid the Capitol. In consideration…...

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LAGERS Seeks to Enhance Flexibility of Employee Contribution Options

LAGERS is seeking legislation to further enhance the flexibility of the retirement system. Currently under law, a member employer has many options to tailor a retirement benefit that will meet the goals and needs of its unique workforce. The options for employer election range from the benefit multiplier, final average…...

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System Portfolio Earns 7.1% for the Year

The Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System (LAGERS), the pension fund that covers over 60,000 Missouri local government employees and retirees, had a 7.1% total return (net of fees) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019....

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